Thermal Radiation Unit Apparatus
- Investigating thermal and visible radiation
- Blackbody emitter with thermopile to investigate thermal radiation
- White light source with luxmeter to investigate visible radiation
- Absorption plate and reflection plate fitted with thermocouples to investigate Kirchhoff’s laws
- Intensity of thermal radiator and light source adjustable
- 3 colour filters with holder (red, green, infrared), aperture
- Luxmeter to measure the illuminance
- Thermocouples to measure the temperature
- Thermopile to measure the radiation capacity
Technical Data
Thermal Radiator
- power output: 400W
- max. temperature that can be reached: 150°C
- radiation surface area: 0,032m²
Light Source
- power output of light bulb: 42W
- angle of rotation, both sides: 0…90°
- illuminated area: 0,0289m²
Measuring Ranges
- illuminance: 0…2.000 Lux
- temperature: 2x 0…1.000°C
- radiation capacity: 0…400W/m²