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Test and Selection System With Conveyor Belt

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Test and Selection System With Conveyor Belt. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

The system transports pieces on a conveyor belt, identifies and sorts them depending on the type of material (plastic /aluminum). The belt is driven by a DC motor controlled by relay. Aluminum pieces are identified by an inductive sensor above the conveyor belt, and then pushed into the first warehouse by a pneumatic cylinder. Plastic pieces are not sensed by the sensor and therefore continue their way towards the second warehouse.


• Working cycle analysis
• System I/O definition
• Process diagram
• Working cycle phases list
• Logic scheme definition
• Analysis of potential problems
• Program writing


Electric characteristics

• 24Vcc DC motor
• Conveyor belt length 690mm width 50mm
• 24Vcc relay
• Inductive sensor
• Simple effect cylinder
• 5/2 monostable electro valve
• Flow regulator
• 5 Terminals ø 4mm

Mechanic characteristics

Silk screen synoptic Bakelite panel with pins.

A PLC (not included) is needed to control the process. Minimum requirements:

• 1 24Vcc digital input
• 2 24Vcc transistor digital output

Suggested PLC:

• PLC training panel to control the system.


• PLC training panel

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