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Suspension Cable Demonstration

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Suspension Cable Demonstration. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

For use with the Work Panel, the kit allows several experiments with a suspension cable. Students or teachers fi t the magnetic parts of the kit to the Work Panel to study or demonstrate the shapes and tensions in a suspension cable. The kit compares a suspension cable with a catenary cable and analyses results using catenary and parabolic theory. It includes a roller chain (the cable), held by magnetically mounted sprocket pulleys and a set of weight hangers and weights. Spring balances measure the tension in the cable. The versatility of the kit means that you can create symmetrical and non-symmetrical cables, with point loads or with evenly-spread loads. We supplies each kit with a fully illustrated user guide containing theory, experiments and typical results.
Learning Outcomes
Analysis using catenary and parabola theory
Cable weight and tension
Comparison of a symmetrical suspension cable and catenary
Unsymmetrical suspension cable
A point load on a suspension cable
ATICO is committed to a programme of continuous improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the design and product specifcation without prior notice.
Nett weight:
3.8 kg + 1 kg storage tray
Packed volume and weight:
Approximately 0.015 m3 and 6 kg
• Roller chain
• Magnetic chain sprocket pulleys
• Spring balances
• Magnetic hook points
• Lightweight hooks
• Weight hangers and weights
Operating Conditions
Operating environment:
Storage temperature range:
–25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport)
Operating temperature range:
+5°C to +40°C
Operating relative humidity range:
80% at temperatures < 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C
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