- A transparent, inclinable flow channel through which water can be re-circulated by a pump over a mobile bed to demonstrate the whole range of bed forms from incipient particle movement to bed wash-out.
- Three different discharge rates can be selected (and measured) within the range 0.2 to 0.6 litres/sec.
- The channel slope can be adjusted within the range 0-10%.
- The working section of the channel is 1.55 m long, 78 mm wide and 110 mm deep.
- The equipment is self-contained and may be bench-mounted in either the classroom or laboratory by virtue of its portability.
- A model undershot weir and bridge pier are included for local erosion demonstrations.
- A water level gauge is supplied to calibrate the overshot weir.
Technical Specification:
Length: 1.55m
Width: 0.78m
Depth: 0.11m
Three fixed flow rates between 0.2 and 0.6 litres/sec, selected by switch on pump
Slpe: 0 to 100%
Sediment diameter: 0.1 to 0.3mm
Weight of sand supplied: 15Kg