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Natural Convection and Radiation

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Natural Convection and Radiation. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

  1. Apparatus on heat transfer by convection and radiation in gases
  2. Temperature controller
  3. Vacuum pump
  4. 2 temperature sensors
  5. Pressure measurement using Pirani manometer
  6. Pressure measured by pressure sensor
  7. Digital displays for temperature, pressure, and heater power
  8. Operation with different gases possible

Technical Data

  1. Heater: 20W

Radiation surfaces

  1. Heater sleeve: 55cm²
  2. Vacuum vessel: inner sleeve: 0,2m²

Vacuum pump

  1. Power: 370W
  2. Nominal suction capacity: 6m³/h
  3. Pressure range: 10-5…2bar absolute

Measuring Ranges

  1.    er: 0…20W
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