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Mohs Hardness Kit

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Mohs Hardness Kit. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

Mohs Hardness Kit Specification:-

The set includes eight points – for Mohs hardness of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9. The 2 is a plastic point, the 3 is a copper point, the others are alloys carefully selected to match the hardness of the Mohs index minerals.

The set includes:

  • Four double ended picks with hardness points of 2-9 on Mohs hardness scale
  • A grinding plate for sharpening your points
  • Streak plate
  • Glass plate for quick “hard” or “soft” determination
  • A hardness plate with a hardness of 3.5
  • Magnet
  • Paper table listing common minerals and their hardness
  • Hardness testing instructions
  • All of this in a compact (7″ x 2 1/2″ x 1 5/8″) wooden case that takes up minimal space on a desk or shelf.

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