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Junior Mathematics Kit

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Junior Mathematics Kit. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.


Junior Mathematics Kit – Mathematics Learning Kit, Mathematics Kit Junior for Mathematics Labs Material encompassing:

1. Abacus

2. Jr. Abacus

3. Power²

4. Sit & Set

5. Tangram

6. Base & Place Value Kit

7. Fraction Square

8. Algebra Identity set

9. Decimal Plate

10. Roman Number Kit

11. Number with Plate

12. Pythagoras Theorem

13. Triangle Kit (Group activity set of 5 Kit)

14. Geometrical Model ( ht 3″ x 1.5 Base)

15. Cuisenaire Strips  ( Group activity set of 5 kit)

16. Magnifying Measures

17. Metric Wheel

18. Geometry Kit

19. Time & Work Kit

20. Volume set 50ml to 1000ml.

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