- A small-scale gear pump demonstration unit, comprising of a water reservoir, pump, control valve, relief valve and inter- connecting pipework, all mounted on a stainless steel base.
- Equipped with electronic measurement sensors for pump head pressure, flow-rate and water temperature.
- The device also consists of a Transparent pump head for visibility.
- Capable of being linked to a PC (not supplied).
- Available with software describing the operations and other instructions to use them.
- Capabilities:
- Demonstration of a gear pump in operation.
- Measurement of constant-speed pump performance, including the production of characteristic curves of outlet pressure against:
- flow ratemotor shaft power
- motor shaft power
- pump speedpump efficiency
- pump efficiency
- volumetric efficiency
- Comparison of student calculations with computer results.
Technical Specification:
- Max flow rate: 6.5l/m typical
- Max head: 25m
- Max pump speed: 1800rpm
- Motor power rating: 250W