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Conveyor Module

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Conveyor Module. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

The module has been designed to enable the linear pieces transportation along one axis, in the two directions. The conveyor is driven by a bi-directionaI dc motor, controlled by relays that provides the movement of the belt. A fiber optic sensor detects the work piece on the conveyor belt. The module, as a whole, is assembled on a aluminium section bar structure easily transportable inside the laboratory. The complete control of the module is carried out by a PLC (optional) linked to the system through an I/O interface box. The PLC programming software allows the development of a wide set of automation experiences with the module, working in an integrated cycle or in a stand
alone mode. Finally, the module supervision is carried out with the software.


The training program that can be developed with the module includes:
• Principles of electrical control: the DC motor
• The conveyor operation
• The fiber optical sensor


Modular unit assembled on a aluminium section bar structure. It includes I/O interface box with:
• Ø = 2 mm terminals
• Cable with 25-pole D-SUB plug connector
Besides performing the function of control board for the module, this interface box also enables the students to carry
out electrical measurements on the components of the module. The control of the module is possible through the follow PLC training panels (not supplied):
• PLC training panels manages the module through Ø = 2 mm terminals.
In case one of these two panels is used, a 24 Vdc power supply is already mounted on board.

Sensors and actuators:

• 1 Fiber optical sensor
• 1 DC motor 24 Vdc

Station inputs and outputs:

• 1 Digital input
• 2 Digital outputs

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