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Ball And Beam Apparatus

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Ball And Beam Apparatus. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

The Ball and Beam Apparatus shows the control problems of unstable systems, for example a rocket or missile during launch, which needs active control to prevent the missile going unstable and toppling over. The apparatus has a steel ball which is free to roll on two parallel tensioned wires positioned on a beam that pivots at its centre. A servo motor controls the beam angle and sensors measure the beam angle and ball position. The basic control problem is to vary the beam angle to control the ball position. The system is a double integrator, so it is naturally unstable. It needs active feedback control using phase-advance methods.
Learning Outcomes
Measurement of system dynamics by transient and closed-loop methods
Design of analogue phase-advance compensators
Design of state recon structors to obtain estimates of ball velocity and position
The flexible design of the equipment allows the user to develop many other analysis and control exercises to suit their needs. It is good for extended or advanced control experiments, and is ideal for student project work.
Atico  is committed to a programme of continuous improvement; hence we reserve the right to alter the design and product specifcation without prior notice.
Nett dimensions and weight:
1070 mm x 330 x 420 mm; 18 kg
Packed dimension and weight:
0.64 m3, 52 kg (approx – packed for export)
Input (0 to 10 VDC):
• Motor
Outputs (0 to +/– 10 VDC):
• Ball position
• Beam angle
Other parts included:
• Connecting cables
• Spare balls and wire
• Accessories for cleaning the wire
Operating Conditions
Operating Enviroment:
Storage Temprature Range :
–25°C to +55°C (when packed for transport)
Operating Temprature range:
+5°C to +40°C
Operating relative humidity range:
80% at temperatures < 31°C decreasing linearly to 50% at 40°C
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