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Air Flow Meter

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Air Flow Meter. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

Air Flow Meters are useful for liquids & gases in general industrial application. They provide excellent performance with quality & reliability. Suitable for as hygienic application. The flowing media engages a vaned rotor causing it to rotate at an angular velocity proportional to flow rate. The pick -of coil senses the spinning motion of the rotor inside the pipe & converts it into a pulsating electrical signal.


  • Low pressure loss
  • Hi-accuracy popularly: ±1.0%, Special calibrated: ±0.5%
  • Low velocity Min. velocity of flow: Less than 1.5m/s
  • Compensation with temperature and pressure compensation (option)
  • Lubricate With lubricated system (option)
  • LCD display
  • Multi output Pulse,4~20mA DC
  • Spectrum 15,25,40,50,80,100,150,200,250,300mm

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