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Chemistry Lab Equipment suppliers in Philippines

The correct set of chemistry lab equipment can potentially create breakthrough innovations in a chemistry lab. Top chemistry lab equipment suppliers in Philippines, Atico Export, since 1954, has had the potential to develop a range of equipment for chemistry labs that helps researchers, chemists, educators, and young minds to experiment with the chemicals in every possible way but with the assurance of complete safety at all times during their presence in the lab. Ensuring that the correct equipment is used in chemistry labs comes only when you partner with the prime chemistry lab equipment manufacturer in Philippines, Atico Export. 

Collaborating With Chemistry Lab Equipment Manufacturer 

At the school level, students see science as a great subject, especially chemistry—the science of elements and their interactions. But at the higher educational level, chemistry continues to be exciting but becomes challenging. 

Chemistry labs (in varied setups) use a wide range of equipment for performing chemical experiments. Every possible piece of equipment that is used in a chemistry lab is provided by renowned, trusted, and genuine chemistry lab equipment manufacturers like Atico Export. 

Atico Export has emerged as a magnificent Chemistry lab equipment manufacturer. Its team of experienced engineers and researchers devises the most advanced and latest chemistry lab equipment.

Benefits Of Using The Right Chemistry Lab Equipment

  • Safeguard yourself: The right equipment shields you from lab hazards.
  • Pinpoint results: Calibrated tools ensure reliable data.
  • Time is money: Efficient equipment streamlines processes.
  • Broaden horizons: Diverse tools open up new experiments.
  • Knowledge by doing: Proper tools enhance your chemical know-how.

Chemistry lab equipment is essential for every chemical experiment, regardless of the scale of the experiments. All your lab requirements are met exceptionally by chemistry lab equipment suppliers and the export division; chemistry lab equipment exporters cater to countries in Asia, Africa, South America, and parts of Europe. 

Chemistry Lab Equipment List

Laboratory environments must provide specially controlled conditions in which experiments can take place safely, which requires various apparatus and apparatus that support experimentation processes. Safety Chemistry lab equipment list items in laboratories are:

  • Lab coats
  • Gloves
  • Eye protection (goggles or glasses)
  • Fume cupboards

These ensure you can handle chemicals without risk or accident occurring in your work space.

Laboratory thermometers are essential tools in the world of chemistry, used to accurately measure temperature of chemical liquids and substances. Test tubes can also be used to hold and combine chemicals while graduated cylinders enable precise volumetric measurement of solutions. Crucibles, beakers and flasks serve as containers for holding chemicals as well as mixtures; while pipettes provide precise delivery of fluids.

Chemistry is an area that encompasses various elements, molecules and compounds which can be easily identified using advanced equipment like the spectrophotometer. This instrument utilizes near infrared rays to identify molecules by their vibration frequencies allowing us to easily distinguish different substances. A similar instrument used by organic chemists and organic laboratory scientists alike is the gas chromatograph which separates and analyzes gases according to their chemical composition; an essential piece of equipment in any chemistry laboratory.

Lab Supplies With Chemistry Lab Equipment Exporters & Suppliers 

School Level (Basic Chemistry):

  • Safety Equipment: Safety glasses, lab coats, gloves, fire extinguisher, fume hood (optional)
  • Glassware: Beakers (various sizes), graduated cylinders (various sizes), test tubes, test tube rack, stirring rods, Erlenmeyer flasks, funnels (plain and separatory), and watch glasses.
  • Heating & Measurement: Bunsen burners (or hot plates), thermometers, crucibles and tongs, test tube clamps with stands, wire gauze, matches/lighter.
  • Basic Measuring Tools: Balance (digital or beam), graduated spoons, measuring cups
  • Basic Chemical Handling: Wash bottle, spatulas, mortar and pestle (optional), droppers

College Level (General Chemistry):

  • Equipment from School Level (all included)
  • Advanced Glassware: Volumetric flasks (various sizes), pipettes (volumetric and bulb), condensers, desiccators, round-bottom flasks, adapters for glassware connection
  • Advanced Heating & Measurement: Hot plates with magnetic stirrers, reflux condensers, heating mantles, pH meters, conductivity meters, spectrophotometers (optional)
  • Chemical Separation Techniques: Centrifuges (optional), filtration setups (vacuum filtration optional)
  • Advanced Measuring Tools: Analytical balances (more precise than school balances)

Engineering College Level (Specialized Chemistry):

  • Equipment from College Level (all included)
  • Specialized Glassware: Soxhlet extractors, Dean-Stark traps, distillation columns, gas chromatography columns (for specialized courses)
  • Advanced Analysis Equipment: Chromatography systems (HPLC, GC), spectrometers (mass spectrometry, infrared spectroscopy), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometers (advanced courses)
  • Material Science Focus: Ovens, furnaces, desiccators (vacuum optional), balances, material testing equipment (depending on specialization). 

Whether you’re looking for equipment for your home laboratory or need supplies for a classroom or laboratory setting, chemistry lab equipment exporters and suppliers have you covered entirely. 


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