Atico Export is an eminent Computer Controlled Subsonic Wind Tunnel manufacturer and Supplier in India. We are the exporter in more than 30 countries and substantiated a claim for our products quality.
To fetch the same or accurate results in different experiments or statistical trials, our products are best proven in all terms. Atico is a brand which is best known among a huge number of clientele.
Here we have mentioned the full description, design, specifications regarding all information in a detailed manner.
Product Details:
A wide range of measurements and demonstrations is possible with the equipment. A selection using the models and instrumentation provided are:
- Investigation of the development of the Boundary Layer on a flat plate bymeasurement of the total head distribution
- Flow visualization studies around an aerofoil
- Measurement of pressure distribution around an aerofoil at various anglesof attack
- Measurement of pressure distribution around a cylinder
- Measurement of lift and drag on an aerofoil with leading edge slot and trailingedge flap
- Velocity and pressure distribution measurements using a Pitot static tubeand yaw probe
- Measurement of drag for a selection of models of different shapes but commonequatorial diameter
- Demonstration of flutter of an aerofoil
- Calibration of the Wind Tunnel velocity indicator using a Pitot static tubeand inclined manometer
- Investigation of the wake behind a cylinder or aerofoil using a wake surveyrake
Subsonic Wind Tunnel:
A most simple and safe device is Subsonic Wind Tunnel. To move easily it is mounted on castors. It is a low speed tunnel and operates on very low Mach Number. Ther are different types of this tunnel.
- Open Return Type
- Closed Return Type
Open Return Type:
It is based on the principle of continuity and Bernoulli’s equation.
Closed wind tunnel:
It can reduce the pressure losses and also ensures the smooth flow of test section.