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Solar Photovoltaic Trainer.

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Solar Photovoltaic Trainer.. Now accepting bulk orders for government tenders in every major country around the globe.

Solar Photovoltaic Trainer.

The Solar Photovoltaic Trainer contains two solar photovoltaic modules with a nominal voltage output of 15.5V DC at 2.26A, an inverter that converts the DC to single-phase AC, a high-capacity solar battery, controls to monitor power from solar modules and to switch to battery power when necessary, four test points, two power take-off points (12V DC and 120V AC), a 0-15V DC voltmeter, a multi-range DC ammeter, and a 0-150V AC voltmeter. The mobile frame is constructed of code gauge furniture stock steel with four swivel casters, two with locks. Furnished complete with a set of interconnecting cords.


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